Secure Global IoT Connectivity
Reduce your IoT solution cost with our intelligent network and SIM cards.
Get your own private network with no set up costs or hidden charges.
The cost of an IoT solution goes beyond just the data rate.
S-IMSY reduces hardware requirements, licensing and maintenance
Managing IoT deployments is easier if you can see and control everything.
With S-IMSY you have granular segmentation and free private network features
Security requires visibility and control of all aspects of your network.
S-IMSY allows you to plan and build security within your IoT network, not around it
S-IMSY Use Cases
Our out of band management solution makes it quick and easy to enable remote access capability to your far end network and devices.
With the solution intelligence built into our network, S-IMSY reduces the cost of deploying remote management tools as well as removing the requirement for on going licensing and VPNs.
Use S-IMSY's advanced interface and alerting to create automations driven by network events and activity. In today's modern communication networks, AI and automation are buzz words that legacy providers are grappling to get to grips with.
At S-IMSY we give you the tools you need to automate your network in any way you need.
Use S-IMSY's advanced remote access tool kit to reach your far end devices. Manage your SIM cards in ways you've never done before. Every SIM has a unique URL for web access or connect to your devices via our built in SSH terminal. Security includes network based authentication as well as IP address level management. Say goodbye to IP address management and VPNs!
The SIMSY team is made up of telecom and IT experts, with decades of experience we have worked with some of the biggest names in the industry.
Our leadership team has a history of innovating in a way that leaves a lasting legacy on the industry.
Global multi network connectivity
Unique remote access tools
API & Event Alerts
Secure Private Network - no public internet
Cloud based management and control
Increased security
Simplified management
Faster deployment
Lower upfront and on going costs
IO Link | Sensors | Switches & Actuators | Industry 4.0 | RFID | LIDAR | Field Devices